Best steam download region
Best steam download region

However, Steam veterans will appreciate the store’s flash deals, which offer much deeper discounts on games than during non-sale periods. Green Man Gaming is a pretty standard online retailer, without many interesting perks or bonus features. Steam games dominate the available products on Green Man Gaming, but there is also a decent selection of games for Epic and Ubisoft’s Uplay, amongst others.


Green Man Gaming is a long-running authorized store focused on PC and Mac games. There’s a real feel-good factor to getting a game and having some of that money go to a charitable cause like the American Red Cross or Child’s Play. We’re big fans of what Humble Bundle is doing. They don’t specify any other conditions that need to be met beyond being within the return period. Humble Bundle offers a generous 60-day refund period, with each request manually reviewed by the store’s support team. Note that these games aren’t tied to your Humble Choice subscription you’ll still keep them even if you cancel. Then there’s the full-fat Premium subscription ($19.99/month) which gets you an impressive nine games a month and up to 20% discounts on the Humble Store. The Basic subscription ($14.99/month) gets you an additional three games per month and up to 10% off in the store. The Lite subscription ($4.99/month) gives you access to Humble’s entire library of DRM-free indie games. There’s also an additional final tier that gives you a few more games.īeyond the bundles, Humble Bundle also offers a subscription service called Humble Choice with three subscription options. The first extra tier unlocks a few more games and is set at the average price paid by other purchasers of the bundle. Bundles usually start at $1, which gets you at least one game. Humble Bundle’s signature offerings are the pay-what-you-want bundles, which work on a tiered unlock basis. The Humble Store also offers a DRM-free option when available.

best steam download region

The Humble Store works like most other authorized game key websites, offering various games from all the usual storefronts such as Steam and the Epic Games Store. Humble Bundle now offers both its signature bundles and a more traditional online storefront, the Humble Store, launched in 2013. Humble Bundle started out in 2010 offering DRM-free indie game bundles with a pay-what-you-want pricing model and the option to donate some or all of the money spent to various charities. Others function as marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, providing a platform for outside sellers to list their game keys for sale. Some third-party stores acquire keys themselves and resell them on their own website. However, you’ll also find discounts and bundle pricing on these stores that aren’t available on Steam, so there’s still the chance to get a better deal.Īn unofficial retailer (sometimes known as a gray market site) is a third-party store that doesn’t get its keys from game publishers. Prices on authorized stores are often in line with Steam’s pricing. On top of that, your money is guaranteed to get to the developer and publisher. These are the safest places to buy games other than the official storefronts.

best steam download region best steam download region

Before we go on, let’s explain what we mean by “authorized store,” “third-party marketplace,” and “third-party store.”Īn authorized retailer gets game keys directly from publishers, eliminating any worry of invalid or fraudulent keys.

Best steam download region